Artificial Intelligence in PowerBI with Priscilla Camp

About Show #845

Can you use artificial intelligence technologies in data analytics? Richard chats with Priscilla Camp about using cognitive services in PowerBI for image recognition, natural language processing, and even sentiment analysis. Priscilla describes her experience doing analysis on data from the Universal Studio theme parks in Orlando, going beyond simple happy/neutral/sad ranking into analyzing the thousands of comments made by folks in the park. Through sentiment analysis and key phrase extraction, those comments can be turned into actions the park can take to improve people's experiences - and potentially increase revenues!


Recorded August 5, 2022


Priscilla Camp is a Data Warehouse Systems Manager at the University of Central Florida, and a Microsoft Certified Data Analyst Associate. She is certified in MSFT Azure AI, Azure Data Fundamentals, and Azure fundamentals. Priscilla leads the Data and AI Central Florida User Group. She has more than ten years of experience in the field of data and IT. Her focus is on Azure Services, T-SQL, Modern Data Warehousing, Data Strategy, Leadership, and AI.

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